Catching an image of the sun as it appears in 'the perfect spot' is always a matter of playing a game of chance with the weather. As we move through the seasons the days become longer or shorter as the case may be, the sun rises or sets in a slightly different location each day. To capture it in a particular spot takes a little bit of planning, and more often than not, some luck. So it was that over a period of five days I climbed out of bed at 6am each morning to get myself to New Brighton Pier for sunrise. Saturday morning was likely to be the day when the sun would be positioned in just the right spot for the shot I wanted; but knowing that I was always going to be at the mercy of the weather I opted to begin shooting on Thursday in case the following days offered nothing but thick clouds. That first morning the cloud cover was looking good, but the sun was always going to be to the left of where I ideally wanted it. However I ended up being very pleased with the image I managed to get, the swirling seagulls, the early morning strollers plus the fishermen all adding to the scene. (Oh, and on the spur of the moment I decided to take a pic of my car before I left!) Friday the cloud was on the horizon again and thicker this time, but as it edged over the top of the cloud bank there was a brief moment of light spilling onto the pier. Sunday proved to be the day where the sun was sitting plum in the middle of the pier and although there was a cloud bank, it was shallow enough to let the sun peak over the top as it aligned with the centre of the pier, just perfect...
The images are arranged chronographically clockwise